

Mobile payments and interoperability: Insights from the academic literature  
Joint with Milo Bianchi, Matthieu Bouvard, Renato Gomes and Andrew Rhodes
Information Economics and Policy, Vol. 65 (2023), article 101068.

Working Papers

Big Techs in Finance
Joint with Sebastian Doerr, Jon Frost and Leonardo Gambacorta
Forthcoming in the Oxford Handbook of Banking
BIS working paper no. 1129, October 2023

Tracing the adoption of digital technologies* 

BIS working paper no. 1166, February 2024

Presentations: Utrecht University School of Economics (Utrecht), Econometric Society Winter School (New Delhi), 8th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development (New Delhi), 2nd UK Digital Economy Network (Cambridge), EEA (Barcelona), IBEO (Sardinia), Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (Mumbai), CESifo (Munich), Indian School of Business (Hyderabad), Centre for Competition Policy (Nottingham), Bank for International Settlements (Basel), Uber (San Francisco), Ofcom (London), Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad), Analysis Group (Paris), Positive Competition (Brussels), Ashoka University (New Delhi), NBER Economics of Digitisation, EBE Summer meeting (Munich), ICDE (Bourdeaux), Doctoral workshop on Economics of Digitisation (Toulouse), EUDN PhD Seminar (Wageningen), EARIE (Bergen), University of Warwick (Warwick), ICRIER Half-Baked Seminar (New Delhi). 

*Previously circulated as "Explaining Smartphone Adoption in India" and "Adoption of digital technologies: The case of smartphones in India"

Intelligent financial system:  how AI is transforming finance
Joint with Inaki Aldasoro, Leonardo Gambacorta, Anton Korinek, Merlin Stein

CEPR Discussion paper no. 19181; BIS working paper no. 1194

Presentations: SUERF-Unicredit workshop on AI in banking and finance (Vienna), Dresden Technical University (Dresden)

Short Term Cost of Cash and Mobile Financial Services : Evidence from a natural experiment in India

Joint with Helia Costa and Mauro Pisu

Presentations: CESifo (Munich), Economics of FinTech (Edinburgh), OECD brown bag seminar (Paris), Economics of Payments XII (Fed Board, Washington DC)

Imitation of product characteristics in the mobile handset market

Presentations: ZEW Conference on ICT (Mannheim)

Work in Progress

Bank branch closures and the bank-firm relationship
(joint with Maddalena Galardo, Leonardo Gambacorta and Paolo Mistrulli)